Clove = C Love... Go Figure Love is inside this potent healing plant!
Did people long ago, even 2000 years ago, innererstand the health benefits of foods, herbs and spices that we take for granted today? Whether they were making due with what they had to work with, or truly innererstood what they had to offer, they did quite well. Many don’t realize we are NOT a healthy population, as we ingest questionable chemical ingredients that come in prepackaged and oh so convenient foods that make up the Western Diet (which has spread around the globe). Sure, we may live longer today than people did long ago, but so many are suffering from chronic, or long-term illnesses and diseases that will require medication to keep at bay, until death.
Get Rid of Parasites with Clove:
Do you suffer from numerous health problems? You could very likely have parasites feeding off you and making you sick. There are many different types of parasites, but only a few are identified by the medical community so even if you’ve tested negative for parasites, you could be a host. Luckily, clove is an anthelmintic which naturally kills parasites.
Do you know someone with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS? MS, a chronic auto immune disease can be treated with clove, when drunk as a tea, and when a potent clove aromatherapy product such as a perfume, massage oil or body lotion is topically applied to muscles.
Clove can be effective in reducing fever.
Clove is a potent mosquito repellent!
Cove can prevent premature ejaculation.
Clove can reduce blood sugar levels!
Try our amazing Aromas today. They include C-Love!
13 Love,
Melinda Bey